I’ve mentioned in previous posts and many of you know me personally so you may already know my Dad passed away a few months ago . Actually it was Nov 29th, 2011. He meant a lot to me and my family and although, a flawed hero to be sure, he influenced so much of who I am. He owned and operated hair salons here in Omaha and a founded a beauty school in Arkansas. He did a lot of things in the beauty industry and was more than proud of my accomplishments as a hair professional. Anyone who knew him would tell you what a proud father he was of all 6 of us kids. He was of course most proud of me. He was also a musician and….. OK OK I was kidding about the “most proud of me” thing. I have a sister that is also a hairstylist in Tulsa, so it was probably me and her that he was most proud of. The other 4 kids…eh. Oh fine, there’s a contractor, ed psychologist/principle, airline pilot and a lawyer…..a butcher a baker a candlestick bla bla bla ya ya I’m sure he was proud of them too. Let’s get back to my poignant story. (more…)
That’s right it’s today. I can’t imagine what we would do without you. Once I graduated from Creighton Prep all boys high school, I decided I’d devote the rest of my life to women, style and everything good in this world, instead of stinky smelly men. Ok perhaps I’m over simplifying and generalizing a bit here but just go with it cuz it’s in the spirit of this special day. Suffice it to say I love women. I love working with them and on them. You know, their hair and stuff. I really do. Oh sure I’ve had plenty friends accuse me of having a less than masculine job. I simply remind them that they are the ones that chose to work around a bunch of dudes all day, not me. Nope, I’d choose women over guys any day. 🙂 My mom’s a woman. My sisters are women. My daughter’s a woman. The women in my life are all women. What’s not to love?
What does the New Year mean for you? Is it just another day on the calendar or does it mark something more significant in the timeline of your life?
I haven’t written much throughout the holidays. For the first time in my life, New Years did mean a lot to me. Not just for the holiday or event itself but for what I hoped it would be or do at this moment in my life. The reason I haven’t written is because I could not quite bring myself to collect my many scattered thoughts. I had a less than pleasant last quarter to my year. I would be remiss if I didn’t admit that my issues pale in comparison to all I have to be thankful for. Even amidst some hard pills I had to swallow and finally deal with in my personal finances, T’eez has flourished and had one of the best years we’ve had in a long time and I’m happy to have gotten through it all and to be where we are now. But this turned out to be small potatoes as my world was about to be truly rocked.
I previously blogged about the ending of a long relationship I was in. Pow, right in the teeth. Not good times. Perhaps I’ve already written too much about this, so I won’t expound. But I go on. (more…)
I’m not kidding, I really do. Whether you are a regular client that I see in the salon or one of our online T’eez shoppers from around the country or just a reader of my posts. I’m thankful for you and you mean a lot to me. If you come into the salon you probably know I’m not one to touch base with everyone. I promise I’m not being aloof. I do care and I see you. I’m not a natural schmoozer in one on one situations with people I don’t know. It’s a flaw in this business, I know. I’m actually more at ease with a roomful, a class or an audience. I’m sure there’s a psych professional out there that could tell you how screwed up this probably is.
But that’s why I hired Dylan to run the front desk. He gives more customer service than I’ve ever seen anyone, anywhere give. It’s just the way he is. I take no credit except that I was lucky enough to get him to work for us. I love how he takes care of our clients. He makes my day every time he sets foot in the salon as I know he does for you. I’m thankful for Dylan. (more…)
Like all of you, I remember where I was and how I felt on that morning 10 years ago. Events that had no equal in scale, horror, tragedy and significance to Americans and many others transpired before our eyes.
I was up early with a new 3 month old baby girl and 2 yr old son. I became aware of the 1st tower hit and then the 2nd terrifying hit on TV before I headed to the salon. Frightened and confused to what all might occur I assumed we should carry on with our day. I arrived at the salon but turned the TVs to the news and then called my brother. I have 3 brothers but I called the one that was a pilot for American Airlines and lived and flew out of Chicago. There was no answer. I watched along with my clients as the towers fell and then the Pentagon getting hit. My thoughts remained with my brother. (more…)
I am currently sitting outside Scooters at Village Point. Yes, I’m being that guy that utilizes public WiFi on his portable whatever. I’m vacillating between feeling pretty hip and looking like a douche bag. I usually write in the privacy of my house in the middle of the night. FYI it’s 2:00pm now so don’t call security. I just picked up this new case/keyboard for my iPad. It’s kind of amazing. You snap the iPad into it face down and it works like a protective case. (more…)